Employee assistance program (EAP)
Martin Transportation Systems, Inc. Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Personal problems can affect the lives of employees both at home and at work. When life’s events become challenging, we’d like to remind all Martin Transportation Systems, Inc. employees about our Employee Assistance Program, or EAP. The EAP will supply professional counselors to counsel employees and their families in a safe, private atmosphere - at no additional cost. All the information disclosed will remain confidential.
Martin Transportation Systems, Inc. understands that everyone experiences periods of stress and that some stress is normal, but if your feelings become persistent and overwhelming it may be an indication of a serious medical problem. That is why we want to make you aware of all the resources available to you through Martin Transportation Systems, Inc. EAP.
Online: www.guidanceresources.com, Company ID: DISRES
Call: 1-866-899-1363
For more information regarding Martin Transportation Systems, Inc. EAP, please contact Meghan Bultema, Benefits Administrator at (616) 455-8850 option 6 or email meghan.bultema@mtstrans.com.
Please be assured that all information provided to the EAP is confidential.
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